Alabama Weight Loss Surgery
Success Stories

What our Lap-Band® patients are saying.......

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K. Reid

Before my band surgery I was so tired and felt worthless. Now I am more active than ever and it feels great. I actually love myself more. I promised myself that I would never be that big again. Dr. Schmitt said that I was doing great. Dr. Schmitt is a very caring doctor as well as he is wonderful. He is very informative. I owe my new life to him.

Tracy Garrett

Debra Presley

Dr. Schmitt, Yesterday I came to the office for my 3rd fill. I didn't get to talk to you, as you were really busy, but I wanted to give you my most heart-felt thanks for setting me free. In the five months since my surgery, I have lost 67lbs. It absolutely amazes me. I remember at the seminars and in all the reading I did about the lap band before the surgery it was said over and over, "the band is not a miracle, but a tool to be used to help aid in weight loss". My tool... it is a miracle. It has everything to do with the weight loss and feeling better physically. But, more than that, it is such a liberating feeling to know that I can lose this weight and that it will not come back. I've thought of many ways to describe the way I feel now and the only word that fits it properly is liberated.

When I sit in your office and watch all of the people waiting to see you or Dr. Miles, so that they may also partake on this journey... I cannot help but smile and think that soon they, too, will know what it feels like to no longer be a slave to the one thing that they dislike the most about themselves, yet have been unsuccessful, thus far, in changing. Thank you. You have saved my life.

Alabama Weight Loss - You Can Do It!

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Cheryl Sanders

Dr Schmitt gave me back my life!!! This time last year I was 100 lbs heavier and miserable. I couldn’t walk more than 2 blocks without back pain and exhaustion. I had tried just about every diet plan, from the expensive Physician Weight Loss plan to Weight Watchers only to lose about 15 pounds and then regain 30. Soon I was 254 lbs with an insatiable appetite. The lap-band surgery is truly amazing and I am now back to my ideal weight. People that haven’t seen me in a long time don’t even recognize me!! I can’t say enough good things about the lap-band, the only regret I have is that I didn’t find Dr Schmitt earlier!!!! To those of you that are considering lap-band surgery… HAVE IT DONE, IT’S GREAT!!

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Caroline Rollins

Caroline Rollins had the Lap Band and has lost 60% of her excess weight and her high blood pressure is cured after only 6 months.

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Kenneth Walters

Kenneth Walters lost 73 lbs in 6 months with the Lap Band.

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