Alabama Weight Loss Surgery
Success Stories

What our Sleeve Gastrectomy patients are saying.......

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S. Liles

I had dieted for at least thirty years and did not have any success. I had the sleeve gastrectomy and the lack of hunger I feel is huge. The sleeve is a very helpful tool in modifying my eating habits. Dr. Schmitt is wonderful and was very detailed in explaining the procedure and the risks as well. I had the surgery on a Thursday and was released to go home on Friday and I went back to work the next Monday. The support meetings have been very helpful in dealing with questions and issues since the procedure. I think it also helps motivate me in making the right choices for my lifestyle.

Sharon Gladney

Thank you for helping me lose my weight. I struggled my whole life with my weight. Thanks to the gastric sleeve I can play with my grandkids without my legs hurting or swelling. I recently went on a cruise with my husband that I have always wanted to go on, but I was ashamed of how I looked. I didn't want to wear shorts in front of people. I can't express how much better I feel about myself, and my health is 100% better. I don't take my blood pressure meds any more. Now I'm living life healthy and loving it. To make a long story short, I wish I would have done it sooner!

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